We try to keep this page up to date with our confirmed plans and any important news.
We always welcome interest from people if you would like to show early interest in a pup from any of our girls, even if we have no planned breeding's at the time.
We do not operate a first come first serve system, instead we consider each home individually

October 2022-
We thought we would do a little post about our beloved Noddy ❤️.
Noddy came seemingly from nowhere, yes he has a fabulous pedigree, but we do think he just has something a little bit extra special. Apart from his super good looks, he really does just ouze electricity and to us he is just Mr perfect.
Naturally, many people have approached us wanting to have that bit of extra special something for their own lines and where deemed suitable, we have obliged. However, Noddy is now 5 1/2 years old and has 10 fabulous litters both within Darleyfalls and out. We now feel the time is right to see that Noddy will only be leaving his naughty spots stamp on our own Darleyfalls girls in our aim to keep Noddy's litters special and protected.
We are flattered to get weekly requests to use Noddy to outside lines, so we thought it made sense to make our decision public.
We hope everyone will understand and appreciate why we have made this decision.
July 2022 update-
Sadly there is now 4 offspring from the Lowie Levi litter that now have Pannus. We are devastated about this and have supported the owners as much as we can who have been fantastic about it. We really do have the best puppy owners!
We have neutered the ones we kept from this litter including the mother Lowie, as not enough is known about pannus at this time and we want to do everything we can to avoid this in the line again.
Lowie was also screened again for Pannus on the 11th July 2022 and is still currently clear.
Important update November 2021 -
Unfortunately we have had to remove Lowie and her 3 offspring we kept back with us (Sooty, Take & Lily) from our breed plans. Very sadly 2 of the Lowie pups which are litter mates to our 3, have been diagnosed with Pannus. It was a hard decision to make removing 4 incredible dogs from our line, but for the future health of our line we felt we had too. We have never had Pannus in our line before and hope by making this decision we won't again.
Of course nothing changes for these dogs, Lowie and Lily will stay with Moira, Take will stay with Laura & Helen, and Sooty will stay with Paul, they just won't be used for breeding, but life continues as normal for them.
Breeding is such a minefield, you can do everything right, but still be dealt bad hand, but we can help our line of the future by removing lines that maybe affected.
Thank you
Team Darleyfalls

Jake is now living with Paul Johnson who also has Sooty.
Unfortunately Jake's sheep trialing has been a none starter with us as life has gotten in the way throwing some unexpected hurdles. For this reason we felt we wasnt able to justify such a talented dog going to waste, so Jake now happily lives with Paul where he is worked every day and will be able to trial once he and Paul are ready. We cant wait to see how they get on, plus we get to see Jake regularly.
Jake is still available at Stud, we can put you in touch with Paul, just drop us a message.

The Jess x Caefelin Clem puppies are doing fantastic and we are loving watching them develop!

We have DNA'd all 6 puppies and Sunny is the sire to all 6!!
Sunny keeps on proving the reproduction vets wrong that he is still fertile. We are super happy with this litter and will be keeping Pumpkin back. Here are the gorgeous 6 at 6 weeks old

new girl Jess!!
After some recent bad luck, having a dog we had brought in from an outside line that we loved, sadly develop a pyometra within 9 days of having her. And also with loosing our wonderful beloved Silk. We have been searching for a female who has all the qualities we want from outside lines, to in the future, hopefully compliment our boys.
Jess was a super find! she has the most fantastic pedigree, her temperament is perfect, we just love everything about her.
See Jess page on our 'sheepdog girls' for more information

Darleyfalls Black Sheep 'Sooty'
Exciting update!!
We are ecstatic to announce that Sooty has gained his ISDS Registered On Merit!!
This now means Sooty is KC and ISDS registered
Sooty is now the second of our Darleyfalls to be registered on merit and we couldnt be prouder

We are over the moon to introduce our gorgeous Ash babies.
We have 3 perfect males and 3 perfect females.
We will DNA all 6 puppies over the next few weeks to establish if they are Sunny Or Jakes (we would love a split of each)
**All puppies have homes**

We are pleased to announce that Ash is in pup!
We have done a duel sire breeding on Ash.
We know last time some people did not understand, so we thought we would explain our reasoning.
We planned to breed Ash to Sunny this season, we have had Sunnys semen collected and evaluated but unfortunately the quality is not good anymore, we was advised we would probably get a few live breedings out of him so we definitely wanted to try as we would love to keep a stud pup back from our perfect boy! Ash was progesterone tested and showed ready to be bred, Sunny tied to her for a short tie, the next 2 days he showed no interest, but our other males plus bloods showed she was ready. We made the decision to cover her with Jake once too, as we would hate to have a singleton litter as this normally leads to C sections which is alot of trauma for the mom. Ash was bred once only to each male, just like you would breed a bitch to any stud dog (twice with a missed day inbetween).
This is something done fairly routinely in other countries and happening more in the UK, if you don't like it please feel free to unfollow our page, we won't be offended 😀
We are super happy to find out Ash is in pup, the pups will be DNA tested by 2 weeks old ❤🥳 both Sunny and Jake are super males, both fully health tested and we are so excited to see what we get.
There is possibility of room on this waiting list, drop us a PM to enquire

Nova x Jake
Our Nova x Jake puppies arrived on the 10th May 2021
These are our first litter from Jake and we are ecstatic they are finally here!! We are so excited about this cross combining some of our most favorite lines
All puppies are spoken for

STOP PRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have the biggest news ever in our history at
Darleyfalls HQ!!
We have the most amazing news to tell you all, we have been keeping a little secret, not because we didn't want people to know, purely because the odds were stacked against us in every way, with frozen semen with a maiden bitch. We spent 7 days doing 4 hour round trips to the best reproduction vet specialist in the UK, at this point it was purley for progesterone testing to make sure we got the exact timing right, then the day Future was ready to be inseminated the weather gods decided to throw crazy amounts of snow at us making the journey near impossible, but we were determined we would get there somehow and we did (let's not talk about the journey home🙈)
May we introduce to you our Future X Fetch Granting Pleasure puppies 🥰
Words can not describe to us what this litter means, it's what dreams are made off.
These are our first 5th generation of Darleyfalls including being the first Shine and Noddy Grandpups, and the First successful UK Fetch breeding!
We can never Thank Marco Giavoni
enough for making this happen, we will forever be grateful to you for giving us this little bit of Fetch and we hope we do you and Fetch proud with them.
*Please no enquiries, these puppies are staying with us*

Our Skye puppies are here!!
And Wow wasn't we in for a treat when they were born.
We have named them our 'Chocolate Box Litter'
Skye gave birth to 5 stunning puppies
1 female Lilac
2 female Red/white
1 male Lilac Tri
1 male Red/white

August 2020 update:
We welcomed into the world Silk and Ash's puppies.
Silk has a litter of 9 and Ash has a litter of 6.
All puppies are super healthy and equally beautiful.
All puppies will be KC registered as Darleyfalls.


13/5/2020 - Important update regarding our stud dogs and future plans
As we continue to grow and develop our line, we are always looking to refine our breeding strategies . We have put huge energies, careful consideration, financial investment and research into planning how the shape of our line will look for future generations .
Our number one priority is protecting and nurturing our own line of dogs.
We have carefully selected our own Darleyfalls stud dogs, They have been chosen for their structure and temperament. We are 100% confident our dogs meet this strict criteria. They are super friendly, confident and well structured with the perfect work ethic and drive .
We know our own line, but what we can’t always predict is the nature of outside lines.
It is therefore sensible when considering the UK gene pool, to now only allow approved none UK matings with our stud dogs going forward.
This has meant us carefully researching outside lines to be able to bring in girls we feel confident to use with our stud dogs. This allows us to maintain a healthy sports border collie gene pool whilst keeping our exclusive Darleyfalls stamp.